“Cruelty cannot stand the spotlight.” That was the tagline for The Ark Trust, an organization which awarded the media for reporting on animal issues. I have been thinking about those words a lot lately. I am buoyed by recent events bringing so much injustice to light — while deeply saddened that these injustices exist. I feel optimistic that a powerful awakening is coming.

MUTTS readers have an abundance of empathy and a deep sense of justice. We are all in this together to make a stronger, more peaceful world for all.


MUTTS NEWS SPOILER ALERT: If you’d rather be surprised with a new twist in the world of MUTTS, please don’t read the following two paragraphs until after June 16.

Friends, I’ve made two longstanding promises with my MUTTS strip. The first: someday Guard Dog will be freed. (Yes, this will happen before too long.) The second: Butchie and his Fatty Snax Deli would go veggie. With a two-week storyline starting Sunday, Butchie will finally see the light.

As a vegetarian for over 30 years and a vegan since 2012, I’ve always felt a little strange drawing the cheeses and salamis that hang over Butchie’s head. I’m feeling better because they will now be plant-based and cruelty-free.

With the pandemic, and understanding the cruelties of raising and processing “meat,” it’s more important than ever to rethink how we treat the animals — and people — on this planet. Going plant-based is a win-win. It’s good for your own health, the health of the planet, and obviously the billions of suffering, factory farmed animals.

Going veggie gets easier and easier. (Millions have already discovered new, delicious meat substitutes.) I ask everyone to do what you can. Even observing Meatless Mondays can save a billion animals each year in the United States alone. If Butchie can do it, so can you.


Last month we posted two comic strips that I drew for the MUTTS blog, which were pandemic-themed and written by my friend, author Glen David Gold. Glen suggested that we auction off one of the strips for charity, and I am happy that we can, and will, make this happen. I’ve watercolored the original artwork for this purpose and Heritage Auctions has agreed to host the auction. We’ll keep you updated as this process unfolds.

Stay safe. Stay well. Stay kind.

— Patrick

Comments (208)

Even though Guard Dog is a comic character, we all know his situation is too real. So this fictional situation has always touched my heart. I’ve been waiting many years for him to be free. This is great.


Well, what’s Mooch going to eat now?

Freddie Smith

OK, since Mooch and Earl are carnivores there will be no more reason for them to visit the Fatty Snax deli. Butchie better have some animal treats for them!

Alan Abriss

Wonderful way to start the day, especially the daily quote. Thank you. (DFrank)

Daniel Walcott

This is wonderful news! Butchie could even become an urban gardener, sell his produce at the deli and teach others how to grow their own food. And I can’t wait until Guard Dog is finally off the chain. Thank you!

Karen Key

Thank you—and God bless you for all you do for the animals!! I am grateful and pray He blesses you “real good”!!! I have learned so much from the strip, it is my go to after prayers daily in the email! I learn much from the strip as well, please know I am grateful and so is Dani, my cat .. — who sits and “reads” with me!! [ear rubs included!]

Sister/Dr. Pamela M Gross

Please free guard dog but forget the rest of the PC stuff

dolores delrio

I am so happy about Guard dog especially!

Sister/Dr. Pamela M Gross

Again, what is Mooch going to live on? Carrot sticks?

What about big cats in sanctuaries? Dogs can be vegetarian, just barely…. not really a good idea.

Freddie Smith

What a delightful surprise to read about these two changes – guard dog freed and Butchie gone veggie! Thank you so much Patrick, for your dedication to making our world a better place for everyone.

Jeanette Sarmiento