Every book begins with a tiny spark — an idea, a feeling, a memory that lingers. These are gifts from the universe.
My new MUTTS picture book, coming out this fall, was born from an offhand comment my niece made at Thanksgiving in 2023. She told me how much she loved my first children’s book, The Gift of Nothing, and suggested that maybe there was more to say about gifts from the heart.
“How about The Gift of Something?” she said.
I laughed and told her that it was a cute idea. And after a few days of thinking about it, I realized it was more than just “cute.”
Her words inspired me to create a book that speaks to both children and adults, one that celebrates the beauty of giving, receiving, and cherishing the wonders life has to offer: The Gift of Everything.
So, Nothing became Something, and Something became Everything.
This new story is a perfect follow-up and companion to The Gift of Nothing, which will be celebrating its 20th anniversary this fall with a special edition. I’ve always loved the holiday season — it’s a magical time when our hearts are undeniably more open. Through Mooch, I’ve tried to capture that peaceful joy and wonder children feel during their favorite time of year.
I know it’s only March, but I can’t wait for the holidays to arrive.
As The Gift of Everything makes its way into the world (it’s heading to the printer very soon!), I want to thank you for coming on this journey with me. Whether you read it with a little one, gift it to someone special, or add it to your own collection, I hope the book will bring you as much joy as it brought me in creating it.
Over the next few months, I’ll be previewing art, sketches, and behind-the-scenes moments from my first new picture book in eight years.
I’m looking forward to sharing it all.
– Patrick McDonnell
The Gift of Everything and the 20th Anniversary Edition of The Gift of Nothing will be published on October 14, but you can reserve both books now! Signed copies will be available exclusively at
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