Back in early April, Patrick and members of the MUTTS team were lucky enough to be able to greet a Greater Good Charities rescue flight. As part of their Good Flights program, Greater Good Charities transported 48 pups from overcrowded, rural shelters in Louisiana all the way up to New Jersey, where partner shelters were ready and able to help find these pups their forever homes.
In honor of this wonderful experience, Patrick felt compelled to draw a series of MUTTS comic strips dedicated to Greater Good Charities, their Good Flights program, and all the animal rescue workers who make adoption stories like this possible. Take a look as we follow Chiquita's journey to her forever home!

The real Chiquita explores the outdoor run of her kennel at St. Hubert's Animal Welfare Center.
Can't get enough? Neither could we! Read more about this fantastically heart-warming day and how Greater Good Charities made it possible in our pre-flight blog post. Then check out our photo gallery update from the day, and meet even more of these wonderful pups!
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