This morning Earl introduced Mooch (and the world) to his new found piglet friend, Eddie. This new featured character is based on the real-life character, Edison, a Vietnamese pot-bellied piglet from the Triple C Ranch in Edison, NJ. MUTTS readers got to join in the excitement of the new addition by voting on a name for the little guy. Patrick had the pleasure of meeting Edison after his arrival at the ranch and got to know his personal story, which at one point involved an uncertain future. Now safe and sound at the Triple C Ranch, Edison lives happily and his spirit is captured eternally within these featured MUTTS strips where he gets to spend his days with Mooch and Earl! Many MUTTS readers have been keeping up with Edison’s story and can follow his illustrated adventures with Mooch and Earl in the days to come.
“I really enjoyed trying to capture Eddie’s intelligence and joy in this week’s MUTTS strips. Watching him playfully root around in the dirt at the Triple C Ranch gave me even more empathy for the plight of all the factory farmed pigs in this country. Every pig should have a life like Eddie’s.” – Patrick McDonnell
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