In honor of Guard Dog, the formerly chained dog in MUTTS, we're sharing rescue stories about real-life “guard dogs.” This freedom story comes from Pets Alive Animal Sanctuary, and is told by Marisol Thomas (president and co-founder of Sidewalk Angels Foundation).
By Marisol Thomas
This is the story of Houma, a formerly chained and abused dog who was rehabilitated by Pets Alive Animals Sanctuary in Middletown, NY — the same rescue our own dog, Tyler, came from.
Houma was found during Hurricane Gustav in 2008. He was chained to a truck, where he’d been attacked by other dogs. He also had battery acid burns on his back.
Houma was rescued by Kat5 Animal Rescue and then transported to Pets Alive, along with other animals saved after the hurricane.
He had a myriad of medical issues and was heartworm positive. Once he arrived at Pets Alive, they immediately started treatment for his burns and kennel cough and a variety of parasites. He was underweight and very ill, but their medical liaison Janet Pirog fell in love with him. She took care of him day and night. While at work, she cared for him at the shelter. And because of her medical background, she was able to take him home with her at night once he was stable.
With love and care, Houma reached a healthy weight — and more importantly, he formed a loving bond with Janet.
After fostering him for over a year, Janet knew that she could never let “Houmi” (as he was called by all who knew and loved him) go. He was finally adopted and lived with his mom and doggie and kitty brothers and sisters.

Houma and his adoptive mom, Janet
He enjoyed a beautiful life of adventures with his mom, filled with trips to the mountains and days at the beach. He was a constant companion to Janet, who adored him and literally saved his life.
Houma was a beautiful soul who was loved by everyone at Pets Alive and Sidewalk Angels, and he still holds a special place in the hearts of my own family as well. He passed away last year, but he lived a happy and free life that we hope erased all memories of his horrible beginnings.

Houma with Becky Tegze, the executive director of Pets Alive, three years after his rescue
To learn more about MUTTS’ own Guard Dog and how to help other chained dogs, visit
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