To celebrate 25 years of MUTTS, we’re asking readers to tell us what the strip means to them, and to share some of their best memories of Mooch, Earl, and the rest of the crew.
We are appreciative of all the messages we’ve received, and we will continue responses throughout the coming months — so please comment below if you have memories to share. Thank you for the love!
“Every morning, I know there is ONE bright little thing I look forward to. The daily MUTTS comic strip! I have the books, a mug, and a framed pic!” — Tony M.

“My mom loved to send me comics in the mail — as animal lovers, MUTTS was always tops. ❤️ This was the last one she sent me before she passed away.” — Michelle R.

“My youngest son learned to read with Mooch and Earl back when MUTTS was first in the paper. We have all the books and I used to make up personalized Mooch cartoons for his lunch, which were a big hit with him and his friends. We love all the characters and one of our cats is named Mooch (orange), and our girl cat Snooki looks like Mooch.” 💗💗💗 — Angela C.

“I have followed MUTTS since the beginning. Once, about 20 years ago, I heard Patrick was doing a book signing in North Jersey. I pretended I was sick, skipped night school (I was the teacher!!) and drove 1-1/2 hours to the book signing. Patrick was so cool and drew a sketch of Mooch or Earl in each book he signed! Great memories!” — Mary L.

“MUTTS has been my favorite comic for many years. I display the comics at work to raise awareness for the causes that Patrick espouses in his artwork: shelter animals, endangered wildlife, protecting the environment, and spay/neuter day. The MUTTS characters have been great ambassadors for teaching people about these issues, and they bring a smile to my face every day. (My favorite comic features the shelter cat with one eye. I adopted a black cat who had lost an eye and named him Blackbeard. He’s the sweetest, most loving kitty.) Thank you, Patrick, for doing a story about shelter pets that people often overlook because they aren’t ‘perfect.’ They don’t know what they’re missing!” — Michele

“Before I recently retired, I worked in a U.S. government job that I loved but which redefined stress in the workplace. My colleagues and I learned to look for the simple pleasures of our jobs through Mooch and the Little Pink Sock. One of my buddies actually had a pink sock fastened to her cubicle wall. So, thank you, Patrick, for helping us get through the day.” — Veronica W.

“I have been a shelter volunteer at a municipal shelter for almost eight years now. Through the work of our volunteer group and our awesome new kennel manager, the shelter is practically a no-kill facility. We are overjoyed! Every time you publish a “shelter story” it touches my heart, makes me cry either for joy or sadness that one more fur baby is still in a cage, and drives me to help more homeless animals to find their fur-ever homes. Thank you for your continued work to save innocent lives, raise awareness, and assist helpless, precious souls find loving homes.” — Connie M.

Have your own MUTTS story to tell? Let us know in the comments! Want to read more stories from MUTTS lovers? Stay tuned for more posts like this throughout the rest of 2020.
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