To celebrate 26 years of MUTTS, we’re asking readers to tell us what the strip means to them and to share some of their best memories of Mooch, Earl, and the rest of the crew.
This edition of “What MUTTS Means To You” is a collection of comments from readers who say they’ve used Patrick’s comic strips to help them throughout these challenging times. We are honored to know that his characters have been a beacon of hope for so many of you. Each of you matters to us, and we look forward to continuing to make your day with our comics and daily emails.
“I teach both in-person and virtual learners to a group of 4- to 5-year-olds. As you could imagine, it’s hard and stressful. Teachers like me feel like we have to reinvent the wheel daily while dealing with issues beyond our control (poor internet, lack of supplies, budget cuts, fear of contracting COVID-19, etc.). With all that craziness, I still love what I do. Seeing something cute in my email like MUTTS helps get my day going. When I see something cute and witty like Mooch and Earl, life kind of slows down, and I get to breathe easier, even if it’s just for that few seconds. It’s a reminder to pause and breathe.” — Zerlina D.

“I am a registered nurse who has been a great fan of MUTTS since around 2002. Over the years, I have adopted three cats from shelters, and they have been so wonderful. Sadly, two are no longer with me, but my 15- year-old Onyx has been a comfort through this rough year. Thank you for your kind words regarding all of us on the front lines. This is a tough time for all of us, but better times will come!” — Brett E.

“I am a counselor at an in-patient substance use facility for patients who are there due to addiction and mental health struggles. COVID-19 has changed my job quite a bit. My sister bought me the 2020 MUTTS desk calendar last Christmas, and it has brought so many smiles to my coworkers, my patients, and myself! It is amazing what a comic strip or quote can do for someone’s spirit! My desk calendar has made things seem a little less dark, and as I start to reach the end of it, I am reminded of how strong, resilient, and supportive people have been during this tough year. Thank you for making inspirational and adorable merchandise; it does wonders for the soul!” — Lynette B.

“I’m a nurse in an intensive care unit in New Jersey. It’s been a very stressful & scary year for our staff. When I get up in the morning and see the MUTTS comic strip in my email, it makes me smile. Thanks for your support.” — Laurie

“The first thing I do after waking up in my bed is looking around and smile to the sun, the sky, and my awesome MUTTS pillow beside me. When I pick up my phone the first website I visit is always the MUTTS website to see the Daily MUTTS because it brightens up my day.” — Anja Bakker

“I can open any page of any MUTTS book and be transported to a safe, sweet place. There is absolutely nothing else that has that power or provides such a gift, except my dog.” — Lynn B.

“I love the column. It’s the first thing I check every morning! The comic and quotes make a bright start to my day, especially while we have been isolated these past months! I am grateful for all the inspirational thoughts in the process!” — Marcia S.

“Thank you MUTTS for being an island of sanity in an insane world!” — Lauri Y.

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