For many readers, especially those of us here in the MUTTS community, the morning ritual of flipping through the daily newspaper has a special place in our hearts. There’s nothing quite like scanning the comics section over a cup of coffee (carefully leaving your favorite strip for last), or cutting out a particular strip that connects with you and hanging it on the fridge. Of course, we know that a fortunate few of you still spend your mornings with a physical newspaper, which warms our hearts.

MUTTS — and so many other wonderful comics — still grace the pages of papers across the world, but there have certainly been changes in recent years. Many readers have written to us expressing concern that MUTTS has disappeared from their local paper, asking if there’s anything they can do to bring it back.

To understand why these changes happen, it’s helpful to know about the dynamics of the newspaper industry. While some local papers are still run independently or by small regional groups, most papers these days are owned by larger news networks, such as Gannett (which owns USA Today), Hearst Corporation, Tribune Publishing Company, and others. This structure means that decisions about content, including comic strips, are often made at the network level rather than by individual newspapers. And when these networks renegotiate contracts with comics syndicates or decide to change their offerings, it affects all papers within their network. 

We understand the disappointment that comes with discovering your favorite comic has been removed from your local lineup. Traditionally, the best way to voice your concern has been to write a letter to your paper’s “features” editor, and we still recommend this. Sometimes, if enough readers reach out, it can make a difference. 

To all who have contacted us directly to express love and support for MUTTS, we hear and appreciate you. We don’t have any say over which newspapers or networks publish MUTTS, but we’re committed to providing you with the latest MUTTS strip online, for free. It’s always available on our site at, and we also deliver it to the inboxes of our daily email subscribers. 

Some have asked how they can best support MUTTS, now that the newspaper comic lineups are changing. We assure you we’re not going anywhere, but if you want to help, the very best way to do that is to subscribe to our emails. And if you’re already subscribed, we would love for you to encourage other readers to sign up for the Daily MUTTS, or to share the strip with friends and family. 

The evolving landscape of the newspaper industry means that change is inevitable, but the good news is that there are still many ways to enjoy — and pass along — the comics you’ve come to know and love. 


Comments (26)

As I was discarding no longer needed correspondence today I came across a Mutt’s strip that I had once cut out where mutts and friend were on a farm sanctuary celebrating Natiomal Farm Animal Awareness Week and kissing a huge pig. All of the memories of reading Mutts came back and I had to google to see what has happened to that comic strip. How I I I loved reading Mutts! How often it pulled at my heart strings. Could you make a comic book with the different episodes?, Or some kind of book?

Angela Frinch

I love cutting out Mutts comics. I have them taped up inside my wardrobe and sitting on my desk and tacked up on my bulletin board. I just asked my girlfriend to cut out yesterday’s Sparky moon comic and she said our paper no longer carried Mutts! I wanted to cry. I do read it every morning in my email, but I liked having the paper copy too. What newspapers still carry it? So I can see if I can get that delivered to my house?

Laura Robles

I regularly post the daily and Sunday Mutts comic strips on Twitter (X) because it seems that the Mutts official page has so few postings for us now for the last several months. 🍀🐾🐾💜💙🐈‍⬛🍀


My mornings have changed. I used to open the paper and read Mutts first now I grab my phone and read my Mutts first. I love those sweet characters and your mission to save shelter animals. I have always owned strays and they make loving pets. I can’t wait for your next collection of my truly favorite strips.

Toni Nase

Mutts was always a special treat when I visited my parents, who get the Buffalo News. I was so sad when it was no longer in the paper, but happy to see it every day online wherever I am!

Catherine Siemann

Mutts is my favorite comic! Since I now read on a Kindle, I can only access 2 of your books (winter and spring diaries) but I LOVE them. I encourage you to put more ‘shelter stories’ in your collections, as they are my favorite. So glad I get your emails and I hope you keep sending them. Have a nice day!


Mutts disappeared from my local newspaper several years ago and I’ve missed it ever since. All of my pets have been and are rescues, from rescue groups, pounds and off the street. I am especially interested in the rescue of senior pets and mill dogs. Please keep reminding people of the sad conditions many animals face and that they should choose adoption.

Janet Freehling

Mutts has always been a delight to me! Animals, humans, our planet Earth and its wildlife – all are included! Funny and poignant too! Thank you Patrick for creating a bright light in this world!

Deanna H.

I love getting Mutts delivered to my email every day! They’re all so adorable!

Kelly P

Mutts for me is much more than just a comic strip. It speaks eloquently to my love of drawing comics, passion for animals, words of care & kindness & the circle of all life. Can’t wait to see what each morning brings. Deepest thanks…
