Lately we have been getting letters from new readers concerned about Guard Dog. If you have been following along for years, you probably know his backstory, but I thought I would take this opportunity to talk about one of my favorite characters.


Published October 18, 2014

When I first created MUTTS, I thought that Earl and Mooch might need an antagonist, a “villain” as a foil to their sweet natures. So, 25 years ago, I sat down with my sketch pad and created a big, mean-faced dog with a spiked collar. Almost unconsciously, I added the chain. Immediately I could see that Guard Dog was actually a tragic character. Instead of a villain, Guard Dog was born to shed light on how unfair and cruel it is to chain a dog.

From the beginning, several animal welfare groups implored me to keep Guard Dog in the strip as a symbol for all chained dogs, to remind people that no dog should have to live in such conditions. Since then, many states have made it illegal to tether dogs. Michigan State University has published a list of 23 states, plus D.C., which all have passed laws, some stronger than others, that restrict the use of tethering. California’s law is pretty comprehensive: SB 1578, otherwise known as the tethering law, makes it illegal to tether, fasten, chain, tie, or restrain a dog to a doghouse, tree, fence, or any other stationary object for more than three hours within a 24-hour period.

Though this is great news, this is less than half of the 50 states. It means more needs to be done.

Over the years, I have promised to eventually create a story in MUTTS to free Guard Dog from his chains. I know it’s been a long wait, so here’s a little secret. There are two projects under development where Guard Dog’s storyline gives him his freedom. My plan was to have Guard Dog released from his chain in the comic strip simultaneously with the release of the first of these two projects. Unfortunately, both projects are currently on hold.

Ten years ago, I made a promise to have Butchie and his Fatty Snax Deli go plant-based, along with giving Guard Dog his freedom. In 2020 I kept the promise with Butchie. Guard Dog will be next.

As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring about all dogs, even those in the comics.

Comments (51)

I have been a fan for years. I love reading the comments below. It helps to know there are so many people who love animals as much as I do. Thank you for your wonderful stories and sweet characters. Mutts brightens my life.

Donna Boeger

I’m happy to know Guard Dog will get his freedom! Also, thanks for turning the deli plant based.

Cheryl Gordon

Patrick, thank you for this information about dear little Guard Dog…we love all your sweet characters…God bless ‘em every one! ❤️🐈🐕❤️

Paul D. Guthrie

Thank you Mr. Patrick. I know you have Guard Dog’s best interests at heart. Love you and all the four legged ones you have introduced to me. Blessings!

Shirley M Hanson

Thank you for letting us know! Seriously, even since you announced his eventual freedom, I open the Daily Mutts in my inbox and hope today is the day! I’m glad to know it’s still in the works : )

Kim Thomas

I was surprised at the deep sorrow I felt just seeing that guard dog strip. Heartbreaking.


my goodness, just reading your words brought tears to my eyes. Thank you, but at the same time, hurry and free Guard Dog. I think the sweetness of his release will go a long way in healing many hearts trampled by the current covid pandemic. And – I love Guard Dog. He deserves a happily-ever-after.

Rita DeMontis

Guard Dog needs a name too – when he is finally let free to sniff and dig and snog, perhaps he could be come Fiorello (La Guardia) the sweetness of a flower and a protector of animals. A thought. Love that he will be let free and soon. We don’t tether our dogs in West Hollywood. I don’t think our Pet Centric City Council would allow it!!!


I look forward to seeing Guard Dog released! It is indeed a sad existence except for those visits from Shtinky Puddin’, who is our conscience. I am lucky to live in California where we don’t allow this sort of thing. I am not naive enough to believe this doesn’t still happen sometimes, but at least I know I can report it.

Thanks, Patrick!


I am often brought to tears by the stories you tell about Guard Dog, and the shelter stores you share with us each year. i look forward to Guard Dog being set free, and hope that his antics as a free dog will continue to be brought to us through your magical talents, Patrick. I have been a fan of yours, and your wonderful characters, since your beginning. And, I plan to continue my daily homage until your pen drops from your nand, and the characters you have given life are no longer with us.

Carol Champagne