In this colorful MUTTS "Mooch Dreams of Australia" comic, Mooch and Earl find themselves standing in front of a koala. Mooch point him out to Earl and says, "There's Chip, the cuddly koala bear!
Chip corrects Mooch and says, "Actually, I'm not a bear. I'm a marsupial."
Mooch exclaims, "Not a bear!?! I can't bear the though!"
Chip replies, "Sorry, those are the bear facts."
Mooch points at him accusatorially and says, "But I caught you bear handed, bear knuckled, bear footed, and bear faced!!!"
Chip responds, "Bear with me — I'm not a bear."
Mooch lets out a frustrated "Ugh!" and Chip tells him, "You'll just have to grin and bear it."
Mooch turns to Earl and says, "He's unbearable." and Chip responds, "Yes, bear in mind, I'm just a bear in your mind."