Dog Person Bundle (Mug & PJ Pants)

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'Dog Person' Pajama Pants (Size)
Wake up and start your day the dog person way. This bundle includes:
  • 'Day at the Dog Park' Mug: Start your day with a walk in the dog park and 14 ounces of your favorite morning beverage! This classic ceramic mug features a colorful wraparound image of different dogs frolicking and includes a cameo from two of our favorite pups, Earl and Guard Dog.
  • 'Dog Person' Pajama Pants: These full-length MUTTS pajama pants, made with 95% bamboo, feature images of adorable dogs frolicking and include a cameo from two of our favorite pups, Earl and Guard Dog. These pajama pants are super soft with a light, ultra-comfortable fabric that feels like vegan silk!

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